Danny Romeril
The Space Between, Danny Romeril and Florence Hutchings, Setareh X, Dusseldorf 2020-21
SETAREH X is pleased to present the duo-show the space between by the emerging London based artists Florence Hutchings and Danny Romeril.
Danny Romeril’s works focus on music and the visual worlds associated with it: from still lifes of instruments to musicians, band portraits and album covers. Characteristic of his paintings and works on paper are the almost physical-looking figures and musical instruments, painted in pasty colours, with an almost three- dimensional impression, as well as numerous references to art history.
Florence Hutchings‘ work is dedicated to the poetry and beauty of seemingly common space and life situations: Aspects of her everyday life, studio settings, insights into her laundry room or living room, which she depicts in a pastose but also two-dimensional painting style that emphasizes the colour contrasts. In this way, everyday life and seemingly banalities become extra- ordinary compositions and colour events.
On closer examination, Hutchings‘ and Romeril‘s works seem to echo more than 100 years of expressive pain- ting traditions of the Fauvists, such as Derain, Ma- tisse and Vlaminck, over Braque, Picasso, but also Max Beckmann and Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Besides the conscious as well as unconscious references to a Modernism – that was criticized as „wild“ or „neo-primi- tivist“ a century ago and ultimately celebrated after all – Hutchings‘ and Romeril‘s „Bad Paintings“, with their loose style of painting and their sometimes computer- screen-like flatness, prove to be extremely contemporary. In addition to their art historical references, a fresh, almost anarchic humour in dealing with their fa- mous role models and ancestors who have long been
part of art history is unmistakable in these paintings.
Florence Hutchings (b. 1996) graduated with first class honours from ‘The Slade School of Fine Art’ in 2019, where during her studies, she was awarded with the Lynn Painter’s Stainers Scholarship. Her most recent solo shows were: The Place I Call Home, at ‘Union Gallery’, London (2020), Setting Arrangement, at ‘Delphian Gallery’, London (2019) and The Poetry of Everyday, at ‘Beers’ London (2019). In 2019 Saatchi Gallery held a group exhibition titled Kaleidoscope where eight large scale paintings were displayed and remain as part of Charles Saatchi’s collection.
Danny Romeril (b. 1996) graduated from ‘Central Saint Martins’, London in 2019 whereupon he participated in the ‚La Brea Studio Residency‘ in Los Angeles, which resulted in a show at ‘The Cabin LA’. One Hit Wonder at ‘New Arts Project’, London, was his first solo show. Followed by Music Shop Music at Galerie Thomas Fuchs, Stuttgart. His pieces have been selected for group shows such as Antisocial Isolation at the Saatchi Gallery and ‘FBA futures’ at Mall Galleries.
In times of institutional closure, galleries assume the responsibility to continue and maintain cultural discus- sions and artistic dialogues. We are delighted to present two English artists together for the first time in Germany who, in addition to their remarkable work, show social commitment in artistic networks, especially in these often difficult times.